Update On The Day to Day
The sculpture projects continue at a relentless pace. More and more of the artists have finished their bronze pieces. When I say finished, it means they have been cast in fiberglass and painted to look like bronze work. These sculptures will be displayed at the final ceremony and later taken to the foundry to be cast into bronze for installation at the park next year. My fiberglass bronze work should be finished today. I have to complete the paint job. This we do ourselves in an outdoor covered section, away from the main sculpture hall and away from dust and dirt of the plaster casting area. In general I am happy with how it came out. It is great to see the 2 meter spiral standing up without support.The 14 sections of the mold had to be joined together once the pieces were cast in fiberglass. This is not an easy job and the seams have be smoothed over well. The team doing this is quick and have been working long hours, they are getting visibly tired now. We are all totally shocked and amazed at the zero concern for health and safety these workers have….they are handling the resins, powders and fiberglass with a minimum of protection, smoking, coughing and spitting continually as they work! As I have mentioned the situation is little different in the stone carving area and metal shop. The stone carvers certainly have the hardest work on their hands…the huge chunks of marble and granite are now finally starting to take shape and the mostly abstract forms are emerging out of the dust slowly. I do not envy the stone sculptors, working in the hot sun, dust and noise. It makes the incessant grinding, banging and sparks of my metal work shop look easy.
Yesterday I finished the Fire Ball ! Sign sealed and delivered ! What a powerful and inspiring experience. What a steel of a deal for the people!
The burn has now happened and the full moon party come to pass….stand by for the next posting soon….It’s hard to keep up with the action minute by minute !