A Fireball for Sir Richard Branson
I recently completed a fireball for my neighbour and friend Richard Branson. The fireball will have its home at his private residence on Necker Island. The fireball is comprised of depictions of many of the interesting people who have visited the island over the years – including the wildlife! Sir Richard has written a blog […]

Bryanston School Halloween Photo-Shoot
THANK YOU very much to all involved in last nights Bryanston fire sculpture photo-shoot at Bryanston ,my old school and my eldest son Zanti’s current school. The weather spirits where out on “the hottest Halloween ever” as we set fire to two of my recent fire sculptures on the round pond in front of the […]

Back In Changchun – Closing Ceremonies
Coming back to the La Tour Morgan Suites after my 2 week sojourn to Beijing and Qinghai, was a bit like coming back to school. I was glad to be met at the airport by my trusty interpreter, Sunshine. She had arranged a swish committee SUV to collect me and glide me back into the […]

The Qinghai Quanxi – Travelling In China
It is one of the real joys of traveling, when one finds ones self in a string of friends, families, contacts and compadres! This is guanxi. It makes all the difference. I had a pretty stressful departure from Beijing, where I timed my airport arrival to perfection, to find that I had got the wrong […]

There Is Only One Party In China
Flying through the smog at 160 km/h on the train to Beijing… The enslaved landscape is a green blur, interspersed with cityscapes of apocalyptic proportions. Concrete factories, cooling towers, apartment block construction and destruction all flashing by in the murk. Yet there is hope, a landscape of wooded hillocks with a forest of the biggest […]

Video: Preparing For The Burn!
Aragorn and the team filling The Great Fire Ball Sculpture of China with wood in preparation for the 13th August Full Moon burn!

Video: Hammering Inside The Fire Ball
Aragorn’s first video of the Great Fire Ball of China

Update On The Day to Day
The sculpture projects continue at a relentless pace. More and more of the artists have finished their bronze pieces. When I say finished, it means they have been cast in fiberglass and painted to look like bronze work. These sculptures will be displayed at the final ceremony and later taken to the foundry to be […]

Interview by Virgin Islands News Online
I was recently interviewed by Virgin Islands News Online (VINO). Below are the answers I gave. To review the full published online click on VINO Questions: 1. Is this the first time you have been asked to build a fireball overseas? Maybe give a summary if there were others? No, this is not the first […]

Visits To The Changchun Parks
Changchun is famed for it’s parks. Being pretty much a totally post World War 2 city, the concept of the garden city was obviously part of the equation. Generous allowance for parks, lakes and open air recreational civic space was factored in to the plan. Great, you might think, fresh air…..well forget that bit, but […]