The Dream of Human Harmony
The Dream of Human Harmony. The Fire Ball Sculpture is rocking on. We rolled it this morning and cut open the top. Min and I went in to get out the scraps. It was fun to be inside for the first time but it confirmed my suspicions that a team of grinders will be necessary […]

On And On To Infinity…We Shall See.
On and on to infinity…..we shall see. (3 days of rambling blog ) The work load is still there. Thankfully the Power of Nature spiral is nearly done ….I print in the industrial junk in patches as Xueye, the assistant plods on..smoothing and patching sections at his whim. I have have left him to his […]

Checking Out The Real Situation
Checking out the real situation….. Though I will never know the real state of this mega nation, it is fascinating being thrown …been drawn, into the midst of it. Us artists are of course in a bizarre bubble , a hand picked group of people from all over the globe, being given special treatment ,very […]

Creative Madness!
Two very busy days of hard work. Yesterday was a solid slog on the Power of Nature spiral . Some achievement amidst some set backs and assistant problems. I thought we might get it done today…but there have been some set backs. I have been reveling in the whole clay sculpting process.It has been a […]

The Endless Conversations
The endless conversations… It is hard to know where to start, there are so many topics under discussion here every day. At breakfast with my African friends, Shepherd from Zimbabwe, Gordon from Zambia, Dansi from Benin…and Michael from Antigua, conversation rolled from China’s African policies…..suspect intentions at best and massively exploitative at the worst, to […]

The Power of Nature Spiral
An update from Changchun …sculpture city! The past two days things have moved fast…..well , not fast on the ball front sadly. Still no news of it’s exact arrival date.But seeing the pictures of it have reassured me they are trying their best to get it done and delivered. I now understand that they are […]

Notes on my first day in Changchun
Notes on my first full day in ChangChun. A long day that is for sure….an amazing buzz of international artistic energy. I woke up with the sun ….glimmering through the perpetual haze, or is it full time pollution, I am not sure yet. With time on hand before breakfast and a city to explore the […]

Arrival in China and first impressions
Yes all well here I am in the lobby of the mega shiney new hotel La Tour Morgan hotel in the middle of Changchun. Slept for a bit and now just had a grand buffet dinner. Lovely international feel….dining with an Afgan and Turkman.both sculptors. now sitting in he lobby with an Armenian and Luxenberger. […]