There Is Only One Party In China
Flying through the smog at 160 km/h on the train to Beijing… The enslaved landscape is a green blur, interspersed with cityscapes of apocalyptic proportions. Concrete factories, cooling towers, apartment block construction and destruction all flashing by in the murk. Yet there is hope, a landscape of wooded hillocks with a forest of the biggest […]

Video: Preparing For The Burn!
Aragorn and the team filling The Great Fire Ball Sculpture of China with wood in preparation for the 13th August Full Moon burn!

Interview by Virgin Islands News Online
I was recently interviewed by Virgin Islands News Online (VINO). Below are the answers I gave. To review the full published online click on VINO Questions: 1. Is this the first time you have been asked to build a fireball overseas? Maybe give a summary if there were others? No, this is not the first […]

The Dream of Human Harmony
The Dream of Human Harmony. The Fire Ball Sculpture is rocking on. We rolled it this morning and cut open the top. Min and I went in to get out the scraps. It was fun to be inside for the first time but it confirmed my suspicions that a team of grinders will be necessary […]

On And On To Infinity…We Shall See.
On and on to infinity…..we shall see. (3 days of rambling blog ) The work load is still there. Thankfully the Power of Nature spiral is nearly done ….I print in the industrial junk in patches as Xueye, the assistant plods on..smoothing and patching sections at his whim. I have have left him to his […]