The Artists And Artisans of Beijing
One of the key pleasures and insights of staying with my friend Simon in Beijing was being able to get a chance to meet a few of the big name contemporary artists he deals with on a regular basis. His many years of experience and totally immersed language and cultural skills have put him right […]

There Is Only One Party In China
Flying through the smog at 160 km/h on the train to Beijing… The enslaved landscape is a green blur, interspersed with cityscapes of apocalyptic proportions. Concrete factories, cooling towers, apartment block construction and destruction all flashing by in the murk. Yet there is hope, a landscape of wooded hillocks with a forest of the biggest […]

Creative Madness!
Two very busy days of hard work. Yesterday was a solid slog on the Power of Nature spiral . Some achievement amidst some set backs and assistant problems. I thought we might get it done today…but there have been some set backs. I have been reveling in the whole clay sculpting process.It has been a […]