Visits To The Changchun Parks
Changchun is famed for it’s parks. Being pretty much a totally post World War 2 city, the concept of the garden city was obviously part of the equation. Generous allowance for parks, lakes and open air recreational civic space was factored in to the plan. Great, you might think, fresh air…..well forget that bit, but […]

The Power of Nature Spiral
An update from Changchun …sculpture city! The past two days things have moved fast…..well , not fast on the ball front sadly. Still no news of it’s exact arrival date.But seeing the pictures of it have reassured me they are trying their best to get it done and delivered. I now understand that they are […]

Notes on my first day in Changchun
Notes on my first full day in ChangChun. A long day that is for sure….an amazing buzz of international artistic energy. I woke up with the sun ….glimmering through the perpetual haze, or is it full time pollution, I am not sure yet. With time on hand before breakfast and a city to explore the […]